WP1 Management
Leader: National Research Agency (ANR), France
Contributing Partners: 1) National Fund for Research and Innovation for Development (FO.N.R.I.D), Burkina Faso.
The objective of WP1 is to coordinate and manage FOSC by:
- Providing a transparent and efficient administrative management structure to ensure proper coordination and process of the project, based on consensus and lessons
learnt; - Facilitating a smooth workflow, and ensuring progress in line with the workplan with regard to objectives, milestones, deliverables, resources consumed and contractual obligations between the European Commission and the consortium; and
- Ensuring effective communication and information exchange with the consortium partners.
Work Package 1 will produce nine deliverables during the full course of the ERA-Net:
D1.1; First report on cumulative expenditure incurred
D1.2; Commitment of availability of funds
D1.3; Second report on cumulative expenditure incurred
D1.4; Third report on cumulative expenditure incurred
D1.5; Progress report
D1.6; Fourth report on cumulative expenditure incurred
D1.7; Fifth report on cumulative expenditure incurred
D1.8; Final reports for the EC
D1.9; Information on each project selected for funding in the co-funded call in a format specified by the EC
There are 22 milestones defined in FOSC. Work Package 1 will deliver the following two milestones:
Milestone1; Internal document exchange platform
Milestone5; Constitution of the FOSC external advisory board
The overview of the WP1 structure, objectives, deliverables, output, tasks and milestones is given in the figure below.
Click the image to open a full-sized overview.