WP3 Evaluation and Proposal selection of the co-funded call
Leader: Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE), Germany.
Contributing Partners: 1) Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry (MASAF), Italy.
Work Package 3 will manage the evaluation and selection of the transnational proposals in accordance with the procedures and guidelines of the ERA-Net Cofund scheme, according to the rules of the EC and following the consortium agreement.
- WP3 will assure a transparent and independent procedure for the evaluation of proposals;
- The result will be an agreed, ranked final list of project proposals to be funded by the Call Steering Committee members;
- An independent observer will monitor the process and prepare a report on the assessment process for the EC; and
- WP3 will draw upon experience of FACCE-JPI and LEAP-Agri.
Work Package 3 will produce the following deliverables:
D3.1; List of selected pre-proposals
D3.2; Ranking list of the projects
D3.3; Joint selection list of the projects to be funded
D3.4; Observers’ report on the evaluation
D3.5; Commitment on availability of funds for the selected projects
D3.6; Information on each project selected for funding in a format specified by the EC
There are 22 milestones defined in FOSC. Work Package 3 will deliver the following five milestones:
Milestone8; International Evaluation Panal compased and proposals assigned
Milestone9; Step 1 evaluation (pre-proposals) completed
Milestone10; Evaluators per full proposal confirmed
Milestone11; Step 2 evaluation (full proposals) completed
Milestone12; Funding decision
The overview of the WP3 structure, objectives, deliverables, output, tasks and milestones is given in the figure below.
Click the image to open a full-sized overview.