
Traditional Ecological Knowledge publication in FOSC Knowledge Hub

Published on
April 16, 2024

The FOSC projects NUTRiGreen and MedAgriFood jointly produced a manual on Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) within the FOSC Knowledge Hub.

Tackling the perpetual oversight of TEK in agricultural research and policy, the manual draws from the insights of the NUTRiGREEN and MedAgriFood Resilience projects. Despite their diverse geographical locations, they share a unified vision: integrating diverse knowledge systems into global research.

The manual is designed for researchers and policymakers in agriculture, agroforestry, food security, and international development, and it sheds light on the benefits and limitations of TEK. More importantly, it offers practical guidelines for integrating TEK into contemporary research practices.

From understanding local ecosystems to promoting sustainable practices, TEK holds immense value passed down through generations in rural communities. However, its preservation is threatened by poor transmission across generations.

TEK should be integrated into scientific knowledge and research by actively involving all stakeholders, amplifying local voices, and sharing perspectives to bridge the gap between traditional and scientific knowledge.