
Launching the FOSC Knowledge Platform

Published on
September 27, 2022

A meeting for the launch of the FOSC Knowledge Platform has been held on the 26th of September 2022. Based on the "Terms of Reference", elaborated under Task 6.3, the overall structure of the platform has been presented and agreed in its main features by FOSC partners. It will be based on a series of workshops, focused on thematic areas in the FOSC remit, that will gather researchers, stakeholders and funders.

Expected outcomes have also been discussed, with the aim of having a strong valorisation of the knowledge generated by the FOSC-funded projects, and an effective networking of researchers engaged in different projects and different geographical areas. The openness to researchers and projects funded by calls other than the ones issued by FOSC has also been among the issues addressed at the meeting. FOSC partners also discussed the possible refinement of the name of the FOSC Knowledge Platform, to make it more attractive and descriptive of the new structure of the initiative.

After the launch, the practical activities of the Platform will start at the Mid-term Report meeting of FOSC, on November the 30th - December the 1st, in the presence of the FOSC-funded researchers.